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IB Learner Profile Trait:  Thinkers


Monday: Community Project/Study Hall  

Process journals are due by Wednesday, March 13th to your homeroom teacher.  Criterion A through C should be complete at this time.As students begin the completion of their service projects, they need to begin working on their reflection portion of their process journal found on page 11 of their packet.  

CP page 11

Tuesday: Community Project/Study Hall 

Homeroom advisors - please make sure that all Meeting 2's have been completed with your homeroom students.  

Wednesday: Study Hall

Thursday: No Homeroom

Friday: Fun Friday



Monday: Community Project  - DUE Wednesday!

Finalize page 11 of your process journal.  Submit once completed.

Tuesday: Community Project 

Finalize page 11 of your process journal.  Submit once completed.

Wednesday: Study Hall - Turn in Community Projects

Thursday: No Homeroom 

Friday: Fun Friday - Community Projects returned to students with grades.


Monday: Community Project/Study Hall

Review feedback from Process Journal grading for 3rd quarter.  

Tuesday: Community Project 

Begin reviewing steps for 4th quarter.  Using page 14 of the process journal, you may begin your work on the final reflection found on page 13.

CP page 12
CP page 13

Wednesday: Study Hall

Thursday: No Homeroom

Friday: Fun Friday

WEEK 4 - No School - Spring Break