IB Learner Profile Trait: Balanced
Approaches to Learning (ATL): Self-Management
Global Context: Scientific and Technical Innovation
Purpose: We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives-intellectual, physical, and emotional-to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
Homeroom for the remainder of the year will consist of 8th grade Community Project presentations happening in your homeroom classrooms. Study hall will be available with remaining time, and Fun Fridays will continue!
Additional lessons are available for homeroom use - found below!
Week 1
Monday: Video
source: Life Balance for Teens
Discuss the 5 steps:
- Assess where you’re at (track their schedule)
- Plan a social activity and follow through.
- Don’t take on too much - what can you cut?
- Set realistic goals.
- Be on the lookout for time wasters….time on social media?
Tuesday: Activity
Follow up to video...continue to have kids keep track of their daily hours for the entire week.
Wednesday: Study Hall
Thursday: No Homeroom
Friday: Activity
Display the following quiz for students. They may use their planners or scratch paper to record their responses.
After quiz is completed, have students discuss in pairs/whole group their reaction to their quiz scores. Anything surprising? Discuss as a class how to start taking steps to more balanced lives. Who are the people who can support this shift?
Week 2
Monday: Video
Watch this video on cell phone addiction and talk about how to find balance with cell phones.
source: ASAP Science
Tuesday: Activity
Media Balance Google slide presentation. Go through slides and have discussions.
Wednesday: Study Hall
Thursday: No Homeroom
Friday: Activity
Continue Media Balance presentation
Week 3
Monday: Video
source: TedX Talks
Tuesday: Video
source: Med School Insiders
Discuss which study tip resonated with students and can be used for upcoming finals
Wednesday: Study Hall
Thursday: No Homeroom
Friday: Activity
Based on the video from Wednesday, review how backwards planning helps with studying for finals/working on final projects.
*Spend time working with planner:
- List which classes have projects due/final exams
- Map out how much time needed to work on each
- Fill in days/time slots for assignments.
Week 4
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Video
source: ASAPScience
Discuss which study tip resonated with students and can be used for upcoming finals.
Wednesday: Study Hall
Thursday: No Homeroom
Friday: Activity
- How do you prepare for a test?
- What are some specific strategies you use to prepare? (record student responses)
- How do you study in each of the subjects?
- English
- Math
- History
- Science
- Foreign language
- Arts
- PE